The available information is given in the table.
Classes taught by one teacher Key Stage 1 classes3 Key Stage 2 classes Classes in maintained primary schools Classes of size: Number of pupils Percentage of pupils Number of pupils Percentage of pupils Number of pupils Percentage of pupils Less than 20 pupils 88,350 6.3 59,880 3.0 199,290 5.3 20 to 24 pupils 278,030 19.9 264,390 13.4 632,960 16.8 25 to 28 pupils 453,150 32.5 578,600 29.4 1,163,740 30.8 29 to 30 pupils 546,560 39.2 588,050 29.9 1,204,590 31.9 31 to 35 pupils 26,930 1.9 450,570 22.9 522,270 13.8 36 to 40 pupils 790 0.1 26,210 1.3 42,410 1.1 Greater than 40 pupils 360 0.0 710 0.0 8,680 0.2 Total 1,394,160 100.0 1,968,400 100.0 3,773,930 100.0 1 Includes middle schools as deemed. 2 Classes as taught during a single selected period on the day of the census in January. 3 Includes reception classes. Note: Pupil numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Source: School Census
Some 10.6 per cent. of pupils in large classes in maintained primary schools were engaged in activities such as PE or games or music, singing and drama.
Decisions about class sizes post Key Stage 1 are a matter for schools, and there are a number of factors that will influence this. Schools are best placed to know what works well for them and is in pupils' best interests. Instances of large classes may well be because schools are being more imaginative about how they organise lessons, making the best use of all school staff. In some subjects having a larger class with an experienced teacher supported by one or more trained teaching assistants can offer real advantages to pupils, enhancing rather than hindering their learning.