The information requested is not held centrally and will take some time to collate. I will write to the hon. Gentleman with the relevant information as soon as it becomes available and place a copy in the Library.
Over the last five years, Musgrave Park hospital and Altnagelvin Area hospital have been the only hospitals in Northern Ireland that routinely admit elective patients for hip replacement surgery.
The following table shows the number of patients who have cancelled their operation and those who did not attend for their operation at Musgrave Park hospital.
Cancelled Did not attend Total 2001-02 64 2 66 2002-03 58 1 59 2003-04 53 2 55 2004-05 83 1 84 2005-06 86 3 89 Source: Green Park Healthcare HSS Trust
The following table details the approximate number of individuals1, in each of the defined age groups, who received a hip replacement operation in selected hospitals in Northern Ireland, during each year between 2001-02 and 2005-06 (the latest year for which data are available). No such operations were recorded in the Belfast City or Mater hospitals during these years.
For the hospitals specified, Musgrave Park hospital is the only hospital that routinely admits elective patients for hip replacement surgery. For the other hospitals listed, some emergency hip replacement operations were undertaken at the Ulster, Royal Victoria and the Lagan Valley hospitals for the age groups in question.
1 Individuals have been approximated using date of birth, postcode and sex.
Age group Musgrave Park Ulster Royal Victoria Lagan Valley 2005-06 40-49 45 1 5 0 50-59 182 7 19 0 60-69 420 14 51 0 70-79 424 62 158 0 2004-05 40-49 65 1 3 0 50-59 181 1 11 0 60-69 386 13 38 0 70-79 453 53 168 0 2003-04 40-49 52 0 2 0 50-59 134 4 14 0 60-69 331 12 60 0 70-79 347 74 189 0 2002-03 40-49 35 1 3 0 50-59 134 4 10 0 60-69 361 17 35 1 70-79 354 53 169 0 2001-02 40-49 37 0 2 0 50-59 122 5 9 0 60-69 330 16 44 0 70-79 347 71 169 0 Source: Hospital In-patient System.
Over the last five years, Musgrave Park hospital and Altnagelvin Area hospital have been the only hospitals in Northern Ireland that routinely admit elective patients for hip replacement surgery.
The following table shows the number of patients who have waited for an outpatient assessment for hip replacement surgery by time-band at Musgrave Park hospital.
More than six months More than 12 months More than 18 months More than 36 months 2001-02 400 164 72 0 2002-03 429 140 77 7 2003-04 294 73 41 9 2004-05 583 231 144 60 2005-06 1,683 453 212 28 Source: Green Park Healthcare HSS Trust
The following table shows the number of patients who have waited for hip replacement surgery by time-band at Musgrave Park hospital.
More than six months More than 12 months More than 18 months More than 36 months 2001-02 1,336 521 175 4 2002-03 1,582 682 212 29 2003-04 1,712 1,006 415 9 2004-05 2,094 935 189 12 2005-06 1,742 502 142 13 Source: Green Park Healthcare HSS Trust
The following table shows the number of hip replacement procedures that where carried out at Musgrave Park hospital.
Number of procedures carried out 2001-02 1,035 2002-03 1,101 2003-04 1,047 2004-05 1,300 2005-06 1,260 Source: Hospital inpatient system
I have set targets to ensure that no patient waits longer than 26 weeks for a first outpatient appointment by 31 March 2007, reducing to 13 weeks by March 2008, and no longer than six months for surgery by 31 March 2007, reducing to 21 weeks by March 2008.
Currently, Musgrave Park hospital and Altnagelvin Area hospital are the only hospitals in Northern Ireland that routinely admit elective patients for hip replacement surgery.
(a) The average waiting time at Musgrave Park hospital, for a patient requiring a hip replacement following a GP referral for assessment, at the 31 December 2006 was 160 days.
At Altnagelvin Area hospital outpatient assessments are recorded by specialty rather than condition. In the case of hip replacements, Altnagelvin Area hospital record these assessments under the trauma and orthopaedics specialty. This specialty will include a number of orthopaedic conditions affecting, for example, shoulders, knees, ankles etc. It is therefore not possible to calculate the average waiting time specifically for a hip replacement assessment at Altnagelvin Area hospital. Altnagelvin Area hospital is able to say that 91 per cent. of patients waiting under the trauma and orthopaedic specialty were waiting eight months or less at 31 December 2006.
(b) The average waiting time at Musgrave Park hospital, for a patient requiring a hip replacement surgery following a referral, at 31 December 2006 was 94 days.
The average waiting time at Altnagelvin Area hospital, for a patient requiring a hip replacement surgery following a referral, at the 31 December 2006 was approximately seven months.
I have set targets to ensure that no patient waits longer than 26 weeks for a first outpatient appointment by 31 March 2007, reducing to 13 weeks by March 2008, and no longer than six months for surgery by 31 March 2007, reducing to 21 weeks by March 2008.
The following table details the approximate number of individuals1, aged 80 years and above, who received a hip replacement operation in selected hospitals in Northern Ireland, during each year between 2001-02 and 2005-06 (the latest year for which data are available). No such operations were recorded in the Lagan Valley, Belfast City or Mater hospitals during these years.
For the hospitals specified, Musgrave Park hospital is the only hospital that routinely admits elective patients for hip replacement surgery. For the other hospitals listed, some emergency hip replacement operations were undertaken at the Ulster and Royal Victoria hospitals for the age group in question.
1 Individuals have been approximated using date of birth, postcode and sex.
Age group Musgrave Park Ulster Royal Victoria 2005-06 80 and over 152 159 280 2004-05 80 and over 155 130 283 2003-04 80 and over 151 138 305 2002-03 80 and over 167 99 277 2001-02 80 and over 143 136 254 Source: Hospital In-patient System.