Information on unauthorised absence has only been collated since 2003-04. The figures for 2005-06 have not yet been compiled, but should be available within the next few weeks.
Academic year 2003-04 2004-05 Board Incidences of unauthorised absence Incidences of unauthorised absence as a percentage of all possible attendance sessions Incidences of unauthorised absence Incidences of unauthorised absence as a percentage of all possible attendance sessions Belfast 290,492 2.8 266,158 2.3 Western 233,333 2.5 283,982 2.8 North Eastern 233,691 2.0 254,035 2.0 South Eastern 207,860 2.2 198,020 2.0 Southern 322,734 2.7 311,282 2.5 1 A pupil’s attendance status is recorded twice over the course of the day, by monitoring during the morning and afternoon session. Thus, a pupil who is absent for a full day is recorded as having two incidences of absence.
Responsibility to ensure regular attendance at school rests primarily with parents. When a school has concerns about a pupil’s attendance, a referral can be made to the Education Welfare Service (EWS). This service provides advice for schools in dealing with persistent non-attenders.