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Carbon Monoxide: Poisoning

Volume 457: debated on Monday 5 March 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what the cost to the public purse was of carbon monoxide awareness week held in December 2006; (123174)

(2) what events were organised during carbon monoxide awareness week in December 2006; where each event took place; how many people attended each event; and how many scheduled events were cancelled.

The Government did not provide direct funding towards the costs of carbon monoxide (CO) awareness week, which was organised by gas safety charities. However, Lord Hunt, the then Minister responsible for health and safety, participated in the associated conference on 5 December at the House of Lords. He and the HSE’s Chief Executive both made supportive press statements. The Secretary of State also gave support in his letter of 4 December to the gas industry. Over 120 people attended the 5 December event, including campaigner groups, CO victims, Members of Parliament, and HSE and other Government officials. This was followed by a balloon release in memory of victims of CO poisoning.

A further event was organised at Runcorn Town Hall on 8 December. A press conference was followed by a balloon launch, which was supported by the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers and Halton borough council.

No scheduled events were cancelled during the week.