New Deal providers are required to meet stringent quality and delivery standards as set out in contract specifications. They are subject to contract management and monitoring by trained procurement staff. Jobcentre Plus contract management processes are based on monthly analysis of management information, performance management, quality assessment and customer satisfaction feedback. In addition, independent inspections and audits are undertaken by the Adult Learning Inspectorate.
The information is not available.
The information is in the following table:
Percentage 1998 19 1999 19 2000 19 2001 19 2002 21 2003 20 2004 19 2005 19 Notes: 1. New Deal for Lone Parents was launched nationally in October 1998. 2. Latest benefit data are to May 2006, therefore, allowing for a 12-month gap, only New Deal leavers to May 2005 are included. 3. The benefits included are bereavement benefit, incapacity benefit, invalid care allowance, income support, jobseeker's allowance, severe disablement allowance and widows benefit. 4. A benefit claim has only been included if it is a new claim after leaving the New Deal spell. People can leave New Deal and continue a benefit claim; these people are not included as recommencing a claim to benefit. Source: Information Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions.
Professionally trained and qualified Jobcentre Plus personnel are responsible for the procurement and contract management of Jobcentre Plus provision, including New Deal contracts.