The ethnicity of gun crime victims has been collected since April 2004 only. The number of shootings resulting in (a) fatal and (b) serious/slight injuries in 2004-05 and 2005-06, by ethnicity of victim, is provided in the following table:
2004-05 2005-06 Victim ethnicity Fatal injury Serious1 or slight injury Fatal injury Serious1 or slight injury Asian or Asian British 7 203 4 220 Black or Black British 25 334 19 351 Chinese or other 1 80 1 119 Mixed 0 83 1 79 White 40 3,569 18 2,952 Not recorded 5 342 7 265 Total 78 4,611 50 3,986 1 A serious injury is one which necessitated detention in hospital or involved fractures, concussion, severe general shock, penetration by a bullet or multiple shot wounds. Note: These figures may not agree with those presented in the homicide chapter of “Homicides, Firearm Offences and Intimate Violence 2005/06” (HOSB 02/07) because the homicide figures are compiled at a later date and take into account the results of court proceedings.