The number of sex offenders in prison and the number attending programmes constantly varies. Therefore the information is not available. In addition, not all sex offenders are suitable or eligible for the programme. The following table provides information on the number of sex offender treatment programme completions in the Prison Service, and data on the sex offender population1 at 30 June of each year.
1 Defined as prisoners with an index offence of a sexual nature.
SOTP completions1 Sex offender population at 30 June2 2001-02 867 5,107 2002-03 948 5,294 2003-04 1,157 5,540 2004-05 1,232 5,773 2005-06 1,152 6,185 1 Figures includes both public and contracted sectors. 2 Immediate custodial sentenced population in prison establishments for sexual offences.
The prison and probation services offer a range of sex offender treatment programmes to meet different needs. The cost varies across programme and by establishment or area depending on factors such as the risk presented by the offenders concerned, nature of the programme, volume of delivery and the existing infrastructure. Cost therefore can vary from around £3,500 to £10,000 per completion.
Sex offender treatment programme participants in prison and probation have demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in sexual and/or violent reconviction within two years of release or completion of a community programme, in comparison with offenders who have not undergone the programme (Friendship et al., 2003; Allam, 1998).