The level of registered social landlord stock in Milton Keynes since 1992 is shown in the following table:
Stock 1992 3,575 1993 4,095 1994 3,669 1995 4,038 1996 4,600 1997 5,000 1998 5,335 1999 5,468 2000 5,512 2001 5,626 20021 5,872 20031 5,862 20041 5,855 20051 5,914 20061 6,141 1 RSL stock from 2002 includes bed spaces Source: 1992-96: Housing strategy statistical appendix 1997-2006: Regulatory statistical return
Levels of shared-equity properties are not readily available. However, between 1 April 1992 and 31 March 2006, 1,885 new affordable units were provided in Milton Keynes through low-cost home ownership and sub-market rental schemes.