My Department has not has not been involved in discussions about specific projects in the Leicester area linked to the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
However, the Government are committed to ensuring that people across the UK can benefit from, and participate in, the 2012 Games. We are working closely with the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) and the Nations and Regions Group (NRG), chaired by Charles Allen, which brings together representatives from every nation and region. each nation and region is finalising its plans to maximise the impact of the games in that area, as well as the wider opportunities to deliver a sustainable legacy from the games.
Companies, large and small, in a range of sectors from construction to business services will be needed to deliver the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, creating valuable procurement opportunities across the UK. The London 2012 website (www. contains the most up-to-date information about business opportunities, including a new e-tendering facility, advance notice of contracts ahead of tender competitions, and information about past and upcoming business events. The website also allows businesses to register their interest in being a supplier to the Games and sign up to receive e-alerts. 467 businesses from the East Midlands have already signed up for this service.
Working with London 2012, the London Business Board and other agencies, the East Midlands Development Agency (emda) has played a leading role in the development of the national Business Opportunities Network. The Network will be launched soon and will build upon existing information on the London 2012 website about business opportunities and timelines.
Businesses in the region will also stand to benefit from the work of the East Midlands Group for the 2012 Games chaired by emda. It will target business opportunities for the region and deliver a business support programme. A regional business opportunities group has also been established to help the region understand how local businesses want to engage with, and contribute to, the Games. It is chaired by one of Leicester’s leading lawyers and comprises representatives from business organisations, the construction sector and the Learning and Skills Council.
Working below the regional level, each county in the region has set up its own steering group. Leicestershire’s is chaired by the chief executive of the local sub-regional partnership (Leicestershire Economic Partnership) and comprises representatives from across all sectors.