I have been asked to reply.
The answer is set out in the following table.
£ million Aged 60-64 Aged 65-69 Aged 70-74 Aged 75 years and over Guarantee credit Guarantee credit Savings credit Guarantee credit Savings credit Guarantee credit Savings credit 2006 1,593 1,004 163 790 195 2,584 824 2007 1,739 1,041 166 820 192 2,612 837 2008 1,827 1,093 165 853 186 2,640 834 2009 1,898 1,158 161 897 178 2,692 818 2010 1,941 1,222 154 942 169 2,735 797 2011 1,952 1,148 164 965 167 2,918 803 2012 1,848 1,109 173 961 166 3,047 820 2013 1,609 1,065 173 899 167 3,214 853 2014 1,505 1,037 171 884 166 3,308 888 2015 1,270 991 154 853 167 3,383 910 2016 1,132 1,025 148 831 163 3,392 921 2017 835 1,025 154 796 160 3,457 907 2018 699 1,063 175 763 157 3,563 895 2019 343 1,068 199 730 152 3,699 874 2020 174 1,105 224 685 147 3,815 867 2021 — 1,046 236 676 144 3,915 862 2022 — 973 223 682 156 3,929 867 2023 — 869 197 690 167 3,980 877 2024 — 771 156 666 177 4,034 885 2025 — 654 130 660 178 4,112 894 2026 — 542 118 624 179 4,115 895 2027 — 478 132 616 169 4,049 906 2028 — 468 147 567 152 3,963 917 2029 — 517 157 528 134 3,894 934 2030 — 601 168 462 123 3,864 933 2031 — 649 173 431 122 3,802 932 2032 — 667 171 424 126 3,701 922 2033 — 711 165 430 135 3,568 934 2034 — 673 150 472 146 3,483 939 2035 — 576 137 525 155 3,433 967 2036 — 420 115 578 170 3,377 983 2037 — 363 108 571 175 3,309 987 2038 — 404 99 538 176 3,212 971 2039 — 463 93 478 165 3,157 952 2040 — 499 78 444 153 3,148 956 2041 — 510 66 429 135 3,114 970 2042 — 571 63 442 119 3,019 988 2043 — 614 J38 459 104 2,907 1,006 2044 — 520 66 525 98 2,859 1,007 2045 — 396 61 581 96 2,900 1,001 2046 — 320 49 592 95 2,911 974 2047 — 348 46 539 95 2,887 950 2048 — 338 47 509 92 2,832 917 2049 — 354 50 488 89 2,761 880 2050 — 345 52 484 85 2,699 846 Notes: 1. Estimates are given in £ million, 2006-07 prices. 2. Figures refer to financial years. For example 2006 refers to 2006-07. Estimates for 2051-52 and 2052-53 are not available. 3. All expenditure projections apply to the whole of the United Kingdom. 4. Expenditure is projected under the reforms presented in the Pensions Bill Regulatory Impact Assessment.