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Departments: Energy

Volume 457: debated on Wednesday 7 March 2007

To ask the Minister of State, Department for Constitutional Affairs what strategy she has put in place for (a) the use of renewable energy and (b) meeting energy targets in her Department’s buildings; and if she will make a statement. (125409)

My Department currently sources 13 per cent. of its electricity from renewable sources and this figure is set to rise as part of the strategy to move all sites on to the Office of Government Commerce by solutions (OGCbs) energy provision framework contract.

The strategy to increase energy efficiency by 15 per cent. per m2 by 2010 and 30 per cent. by 2020 relative to 1999-2000 levels includes energy surveys of buildings, introduction of low-cost and no-cost measures and training staff in good energy housekeeping measures. Work to re-baseline the Department’s 1999-2000 levels is to be undertaken following the take-up of non-central Government sites in March 2005.