Available data from 1996 up to and including 2005-06 are given in tables (a) and (b).
Figures for 1996 and 1997 include those involving air weapons.
Number 19961 89 19971 87 1998-992 50 1999-2000 78 2000-013 59 2001-02 103 1 Figures include offences involving the use of air weapons. 2 There was a change in counting rules for recorded crime on 1 April 1998. 3 Numbers of some recorded crimes may have been inflated by some police forces implementing the principles of the National Crime Recording Standard before 1 April 2002.
Number 2002-031 66 2003-04 58 2004-052 259 2005-062 372 1 The National Crime Recording Standard was introduced in April 2002. Because of this, figures before and after that date are not directly comparable. 2 Some of the increase may be due to the change in the force’s recording practices. There was more than a three-fold increase in offences from 2003-04 to 2004-05. This increase is mainly due to offences involving imitation weapons. New, more explicit guidelines for the classification of weapons may have increased the recording of firearm offences in 2004-05, especially those committed with imitation weapons.
No information is held centrally on the cost of alcohol-influenced vandalism in Lancashire.