There are no recent assessments of changes in health inequality between people by income decile since 1996-97. The information is not held centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
The following tables show the targets the Government have set in relation to reducing health outcome inequalities.
Health inequalities are unacceptable and tackling them is a top priority for the Government. We have established the most comprehensive programme ever in this country to address them, including a range of challenging targets.
PSA target Measure Target 11 By 2010 reduce inequalities in health outcomes by 10 per cent. as measured by infant mortality and life expectancy at birth Mortality in infancy by social class: the gap in infant mortality between “routine and manual” groups and the population as a whole Life expectancy by local authority: the gap between the fifth of areas with the lowest life expectancy at birth and the population as a whole Baseline year is average of 1997, 1998 and 1999
PSA target Measure Target 1 Substantially reduce mortality rates by 2010. From heart disease and stroke and related diseases by at least 40 per cent. in people under 75, with a 40 per cent. reduction in the inequalities gap between the fifth of areas with the worst health and deprivation indicators (the Spearhead Group) and the population as a whole Death rate from heart disease, strokes and related illnesses among people aged under 75. From cancer by at least 20 per cent. in people under 75 with at least a reduction in the inequalities gap of at least 6 per cent. between the fifth of areas with the worst health and deprivation indicators (the Spearhead Group) and the population as a whole Death rate from cancer among people aged under 75. Target 2 Reduce health inequalities by 10 per cent. by 2010 as measured by infant mortality and life expectancy at birth Mortality in infancy by social class: the gap in infant mortality between “routine and manual” groups and the population as a whole Baseline is average of 1997, 1998 and 1999 Life expectancy by local authority: the gap between the fifth of areas with the “worst health and deprivation indicators” (the Spearhead Group) and the population as a whole Baseline year is average of 1995, 1996 and 1997 Target 3 Tackle the underlying determinants of health and health inequalities by: Reducing adult smoking rates to 21 per cent. or less by 2010, with a reduction in prevalence among routine and manual groups to 26 per cent. or less Smoking: reduction in numbers of adult (26 per cent.) and routine/manual (31 per cent.) groups of smokers (2002-03 baselines). Prevalence from General Household survey Halting the year-on-year rise in obesity among children under 11 by 2010, in the context of a broader strategy to tackle obesity in the population as a whole (joint target with the Department for Education and Skills and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport). Obesity: prevalence of obesity as defined by National BMI percentile classification for children aged between two and 10 years (inclusive) measured through the Health Survey for England. Baseline year is weighted average for three-year period 2002-04 Reducing the under 18 conception rate by 50 per cent. by 2010, as part of a broader strategy to improve sexual health (joint target with the Department for Education and Skills) Teenage conceptions: the under 18 conception rate is the number of conceptions to under 18-year-olds per thousand females aged 15-17. Baseline year is 1998. ONS Conception Statistics