The information requested is shown in the table.
2006 Independent sector treatment centre utilisation (percentage) June 85 July 87 August 84 September 83 Notes: 1. Figures include the mobile ophthalmology service but exclude the general supplementary contracts, the national contract for MRI services, and the pathfinder schemes. Utilisation is measured on the basis of value rather than activity to allow for the variations which can occur through substitution of activity between procedures of varying value. 2. Figures are subject to the reconciliation of some contracts. 3. The Department procured independent sector capacity on the basis of capacity planning exercises conducted through strategic health authorities where the additional capacity in elective treatment and diagnostics required to meet key public service agreement waiting times targets was estimated. Where the estimates of demand have not been met so far in a contract the Department is working with the national health service and independent providers to ensure contracts deliver best value over the life of the contract.