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House of Lords: Reform

Volume 458: debated on Tuesday 13 March 2007

To ask the Leader of the House if he will estimate the annual cost of a fully elected upper house. (127296)

To ask the Leader of the House (1) what estimate he has made of the likely capital cost of new (a) facilities and (b) equipment for a reformed House of Lords; (126857)

(2) what estimate he has made of the (a) percentage and (b) actual change in running costs likely to arise from a reformed House of Lords under each option outlined in the Motions debated on 6 and 7 March in the House.

Detailed analysis will be provided once the proposals for a reformed House of Lords are much firmer. I propose to reconvene the cross-party group, which I chair, to assess the outcome of the debates in both Houses. I will discuss the issue within Government and will return to this House to make a detailed statement on the way forward.