While there is no single, national energy efficiency scheme, we do have a UK Energy Efficiency Action Plan (published in 2004). This brings together all of our separate funding streams and associated policies into a framework for improving energy efficiency across the business, public and household sectors. Energy efficiency policies deliver about half the carbon savings in our Climate Change Programme. Details on the funding for these various schemes is provided in the following table:
Carbon Trust formed 2001 Energy Saving Trust Warm front 2000 inception Climate change communication Community energy UK emissions trading scheme 1997-98 n/a 19.45 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1998-99 n/a 19 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1999-2000 n/a 22.57 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2000-01 n/a 21.97 1— n/a n/a n/a 2001-02 2— 22.396 1— n/a n/a 3— 2002-03 2— 23.696 1— n/a 0.43 3— 2003-04 2— 24.481 1— n/a 4.31 3— 2004-05 2— 27.372 1— n/a 4.9 3— 2005-06 2— 26.44 1— 412 5.24 3— 1 Total expenditure since 2000 now over £1.2 billion. 2 £207 million total expenditure from 2001-02 to 2005-06. 3 £215 million for five year programme. 4 For three year programme.
The funding information provided in the table is not the end of the story as our policies also help generate additional investment. For example, the Energy Efficiency Commitment, our key household policy lever, generated £600 million worth of energy efficiency investment in households in the first three year phase to 2005 alone. We are committed to an obligation on energy suppliers to at least 2020.