Information on funding in the financial year 2001-02 is not readily available. For subsequent years, annual expenditure on the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre has been identified as follows:
Financial year £ million (actual costs) 2002-03 10.29 2003-04 10.43 2004-05 9.44 2005-06 10.75 2006-07 112.84 1 Current estimate of expenditure for full financial year.
The sums listed represent the bulk of the operating costs and capital expenditure for the year in question. Until the current financial year, all such funding was provided from the centre top level budget. For this financial year, funding for property management, capital works, rent and rates has been provided from the Defence Estates top level budget.
Data for some costs (medical stores and the costs of service personnel temporarily attached to the establishment) are not readily available and have not been included in the aforementioned figures.
Additional funding for a range of projects, not included in the above figures, has been generously provided by the Headley Court Trust.