The most recent data available for the nationality of Commonwealth personnel serving in the UK regular forces are shown in the following table.
Country Naval Service at 6 October 2006 Army at 1 January 2007 Royal Air Force1 at 6 March 2006 Total Commonwealth 37,990 106,130 48,650 United Kingdom 37,535 99,495 48,445 Antigua — 2— — Australia 10 70 10 Bangladesh 2— 5 — Barbados 2— 10 2— Belize — 5 — Botswana — 10 — Cameroon — 30 — Canada 20 60 20 Cyprus 2— 2— — Dominican Republic 2— 15 — Fiji 75 1,955 5 Gambia 5 100 2— Ghana 2— 750 2— Grenada 2— 50 — Guyana — 15 — India 5 50 2— Jamaica 30 940 25 Kenya 5 120 5 Malawi 2— 115 2— Malaysia 2— 2— 2— Malta 2— 5 2— Mauritius 2— 25 2— Namibia — 2— — New Zealand 5 65 5 Nigeria 2— 80 — Pakistan 2— 5 2— Papua New Guinea — 2— — Seychelles — 10 — Sierra Leone 2— 45 — Singapore — 2— — South Africa 60 795 10 Sri Lanka — 15 2— St. Kitts and Nevis — 2— 2— St. Lucia 5 230 2— St. Vincent 165 275 2— Swaziland — 10 — Tanzania — 2— — Tonga — 10 — Trinidad 25 70 10 Uganda — 55 — Zambia 2— 20 — Zimbabwe3 15 570 5 Other West Indies — 2— — Other Non-British4 — 15 85 ‘—’denotes zero or rounded to zero 1 Royal Air Force data for service personnel who are non-UK nationals have been provided on an ad-hoc basis as nationality data are not centrally held. The figure for service personnel who are UK nationals has been inferred from the total strength of the RAF at 1 April 2006. 2 Fewer than five. All other figures are rounded to the nearest five. 3 Includes personnel with nationality recorded as Rhodesian. 4 Includes personnel with nationality recorded as British Commonwealth/Foreign, Other African Country and Other Asiatic Country, and 75 RAF personnel recorded as Commonwealth by birth, but with no nationality recorded. Note: Data are for UK regular forces (trained and untrained), including nursing services and excluding full time reserve service personnel, Gurkhas, the home service battalions of the Royal Irish Regiment and mobilised reservists.