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Army: Recruitment

Volume 458: debated on Tuesday 13 March 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many different application forms a potential officer recruit to the Army must complete before entering Sandhurst; and what estimate he has made of the effect of that number on the number of recruits choosing to join the armed forces. (125852)

A candidate for a commission in the British Army has to complete a Potential Army Officer Information form, an Army Officer Selection Board Curriculum Vitae, an Application for a Commission in the British Army, an Army Medical Questionnaire and a MOD Security Questionnaire. If an individual is successful and takes up the offer of a Commission and place at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, they will be required to complete the following prior to arrival: Personal Details form, Medical Declaration and Pre Course Briefing form.

The Army has no evidence that the number of forms is any deterrent to applicants.