As stated on the 29 January 2007, Official Report, column 25W, the DMS uniformed regular requirement figures have been reviewed and the new manning requirements for 2007 for all cadres will be formally announced in the near future. The new requirement figures may cause the current number and configuration of established posts or “establishment” to change.
The following table shows the current number and location of establishment for uniformed psychiatrists and registered mental health nurses (RMHN) for each Service:
Unit Location Psychiatrist RMHN RN HMNB Clyde Faslane — 1 DCMH Haslar Gosport 2 15 DCMH Plymouth Plymouth — 6 Total RN Establishment 2 22 Army Paderbom Community Mental Health Team Paderbom — 1 BFG HS Community Mental Health Team Hohne — 1 Mental Health Services Out Patients, Wegberg Wegberg 1 4 Mental Health Services In Patients, Wegberg Wegberg — 10 Gutersloh Community Mental Health Team Gutersloh — 1 BFG HS—MRS Rhine Mil. Complex Rhinedahlen — 2 DCMH Haslar Gosport 2 — 16 Close Support Colchester Colchester 1 1 APHCS Northern Ireland Northern Ireland 1 4 APHCS HQ Camberley 1 — Wales and West Midlands (PHC Region) Donnington 1 3 Wessex (PHC Region) Tidworth 1 5 Scotland and North East (PHC Region) Scotland and Gib 1 2 Home Counties (PHC Region) DCMH Aldershot 2 5 London and South East (PHC Region) DCMH Woolwich 1 3 TPMH Akrotiri Cyprus — 1 Eastern (PHC Region) DCMH Cranwell — 1 Eastern (PHC Region) DCMH Colchester — 1 Health Care and Projects King’s College, London — 1 Scotland and North East (PHC Region) DCMH Catterick 1 4 Total Army Establishment 13 50 RAF DCMH Catterick1 Catterick 1 2 TPMH Akrotiri Community Mental Health Team Cyprus — 3 DCMH Brize Norton Brize Norton 1 9 DCMH Cranwell Cranwell 1 6 DCMH Marham Marham 1 8 DCMH Donnington Donnington — 2 Community Mental Health Clinic, Halton Halton — 1 DCMH Kinloss Kinloss — 1 RAF High Wycombe CHQ High Wycombe — 1 RAF Lyneham (TMW) Lyneham — 3 DCMH Woolwich Woolwich — 1 Scotland (PHC Region) Leuchars — 1 Total RAF Establishment 5 39 1 Psychiatrist establishment includes one rotation (tri-Service) post. Notes:APHCS—Army Primary Health Care Service BFG HS—British Forces Germany Health Service CHQ—Collocated Headquarters DCMH—Department of Community Mental Health HMNB—Her Majesty's Naval Base MRS—Medical Reception Service PHC—Primary Health Care TMPH—The Princess Mary's Hospital TMW—Tactical Medical Wing
As stated in the answer given on 7 March 2007, Official Report, 1986W, the MOD no longer employs mental health occupational therapists, but does employ civilian clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health nurses. However, the figures for their establishment are not held centrally. I will write to the hon. Member with these figures once they have been collated and place a copy of the letter in the Library of the House.