Eurostat does not publish gross value added data, but instead publishes data for gross domestic product (GDP) for all regions and sub-regions in the European Union (EU). For the current round of structural funds, areas in receipt of convergence objective funding—the highest level of funding—were defined as those NUTS 2 regions with GDP per capita less than 75 per cent. of the EU average, expressed in terms of purchasing power parities (PPP), using the average of data for the years 2000, 2001 and 2002.
The latest data available at NUTS 2 (sub-regional) level from Eurostat are for the year 2004. The following table shows all NUTS 2 regions in the EU with GDP per capita in 2004 less than 75 per cent. of the EU average, including all 27 current member states, in terms of PPP.
NUTS 2 region GDP per capita as a percentage of EU27 average In Bulgaria: Yugozapaden 49.1 Yugoiztochen 29.9 Severoizto chen 29.3 Severen tsentralen 26.4 Severozapaden 25.6 Yuzhen tsentralen 25.6 In the Czech Republic: Stredni Cechy 69.9 Jihozapad 69.6 Jihovychod 67.4 Severovychod 63.7 Moravskoslezsko 61.1 Severozapad 60.7 Stredni Morava 59.8 Estonia 55.7 In Spain: Extremadura 67.1 In France: Martinique 74.3 Guadeloupe 66.9 Reunion 60.5 Guyane 54.4 In Greece: Peloponnisos 69.0 Kentriki Makedonia 68.2 Ipeiros 67.5 Thessalia 66.3 Dytiki Makedonia 62.7 Voreio Aigaio 60.6 Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki 56.7 Dytiki Ellada 54.5 In Hungary: Nyugat-Dunantul 66.8 Kozep-Dunantul 61.1 Del-Dunantul 45.6 Del-Alfold 44.2 Eszak-Magyarorszag 42.5 Eszak-Alfold 41.9 In Italy: Puglia 69.8 Calabria 68.5 Campania 68.4 Sicilia 67.3 Lithuania 51.1 Latvia 45.5 Malta 74.4 In Poland: Slaskie 57.0 Wielkopolskie 54.5 Dolnoslaskie 51.7 Pomorskie 49.6 Zachodniopomorskie 47.2 Lodzkie 46.7 Lubuskie 45.4 Kujawsko-Pomorskie 45.4 Opolskie 43.6 Malopolskie 43.4 Warminsko-Mazurskie 39.4 Swietokrzyskie 39.3 Podlaskie 37.9 Podkarpackie 35.4 Lubelskie 35.2 In Portugal: Alentejo 70.3 Regiao Autonoma dos Açores 65.9 Centra 64.3 Norte 58.8 In Romania: Bucuresti - Ilfov 64.5 Vest 39.0 Centra 35.5 Nord-Vest 33.0 Sud-Est 30.7 Sud-Vest Oltenia 28.8 Sud - Muntenia 28.4 Nord-Est 23.6 In Slovakia: Zapadne Slovensko 52.7 Stredne Slovensko 46.7 Vychodne Slovensko 42.3