The rental costs of each Regional Control Centre (RCC) are shown in the following table. The costs given are over the full period of the lease, inclusive of VAT and uplifted in line with the terms of the lease. The costs, other than for London, are based on rents agreed with the developer of each RCC. Procurement of the London RCC is in progress. RCCs should be able to recover the VAT.
RCC Estimated cost (£ million) Lease term (years) East Midlands 45 25 East of England 50 25 North East 31 20 North West 45 25 South East 54 25 South West 34 20 West Midlands 50 25 Yorkshire and Humberside 33 20
In the period between the practical completion of a Regional Control Centre (RCC) building and the migration of the Fire Control system to that centre, the accommodation costs (including rent and facilities management) will be met by the Department for Communities and Local Government. During that period the building will be fitted out, the IT installed and tested and staff trained.