The latest available data on the number of graduates from Houghton and Washington, East constituency and Sunderland local authority for the academic years 1997/98 to 2005/06 are given in the following table.
Academic year Houghton and Washington, East constituency Sunderland local authority 1997/98 280 925 1998/99 265 975 1999/2000 255 865 2000/01 250 815 2001/02 240 825 2002/03 255 925 2003/04 285 935 2004/05 285 1,005 2005/06 320 1,060 1 Excludes graduates from dormant modes of study. Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Information on the percentage of people in Houghton and Washington, East constituency and Sunderland local authority who receive a degree qualification is not collated centrally.
However, the percentage of working age adults educated to NVQ level 4 and above can be found from the Annual Population Survey.
This shows that in 2005, the percentage of working age adults from Houghton and Washington, East constituency with NVQ4 and above qualifications is 15.7 per cent., the figure for Sunderland local authority is 16.6 per cent., and the comparable figure for England is 26.2 per cent.