The information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is in the following table.
Number September 1992 9,479,400 September 1997 9,914,700 September 2005 10,568,700 March 2006 10,583,400 Notes: 1. Figures are rounded to the nearest 100. 2. Figures for September 2006 are not yet available so figures for March 2006 have been provided. Sources: 1. DWP Information Directorate 5 per cent. extract of the PSCS. Sample data is subject to a degree of sampling variation. They are also adjusted to be consistent with the overall case load from the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study. 2. The figure for 1992 is taken from the Social Security Statistics 1993 publication and is from a 10 per cent. sample and has not been adjusted.