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I refer the hon. Member to the following table. Please note that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office electronic resources only go as far back as 1998 for marriage/fiancé(e) visas.
Number 1998 3,198 1999 3,008 2000 3,915 2001 5,241 2002 5,429 2003 5,634 2004 5,546 2005 6,683 2006 7,480 Note: UKvisas makes every effort to ensure that statistics produced from our ‘Central Reference System’ are accurate. However, the complexity of our global business, including technical failures or occasional inconsistencies in data entry across any of over 150 offices, means we cannot 100 per cent. guarantee accuracy. Sources: 1998-2003: Central Reference System (CRS) 7 March 2007 2004-2006: Statistics Search Screen on CRS 7 March 2007
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I refer the hon. Member to the following table. Please note that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office electronic resources go as far back as 1998 only for marriage/fiancé(e) visas. These statistics therefore cover the years 2005 and 2000 only.
Nationality 2005 2000 Afghanistan 7 2 Albania 654 32 Algeria 20 12 Angola 2 2 Antigua and Barbuda 4 2 Argentina 41 3 Armenia 5 0 Australia 185 178 Azerbaijan 13 0 Bahamas 0 2 Bahrain 2 1 Bangladesh 28 9 Barbados 10 6 Belarus 47 20 Benin 0 0 Bermuda 0 1 Bolivia 7 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 10 Botswana 1 2 Brazil 208 41 British National Overseas 17 8 British Overseas Citizen 0 1 Bulgaria 53 23 Burma (Myanmar) 2 0 Burundi 0 0 Cambodia 2 0 Cameroon 11 0 Canada 120 64 Cape Verde 0 1 Chile 14 0 China 165 104 Colombia 61 12 Congo 2 2 Costa Rica 2 0 Croatia 24 19 Cuba 32 10 Cyprus 1 7 Czech Republic 0 50 Democratic Republic of Congo 11 0 Dominica 4 3 Dominican Republic 6 4 Ecuador 11 2 Egypt 28 15 El Salvador 2 0 Equatorial Guinea 1 0 Eritrea 0 2 Estonia 0 16 Ethiopia 9 8 Fiji 3 0 Gabon 1 0 Gambia 9 6 Georgia 4 0 Ghana 17 12 Grenada 6 0 Guatemala 2 0 Guinea 3 1 Guinea-Bissau 2 2 Guyana 12 3 Haiti 1 0 Honduras 3 0 Hong Kong 21 2 Hungry 0 44 India 466 327 Indonesia 32 32 Iran 40 9 Iraq 10 3 Israel 72 28 Ivory Coast 6 2 Jamaica 19 16 Japan 217 120 Jordan 3 1 Kazakhstan 31 29 Kenya 22 19 Korea (North) 1 0 Kyrgyzstan 11 8 Laos 5 3 Latvia 1 0 Lebanon 11 3 Lesotho 2 0 Liberia 2 1 Libya 12 0 Lithuania 0 13 Macau 4 0 Macedonia 5 6 Madagascar 2 0 Malawi 11 0 Malaysia 55 31 Maldives 1 0 Mali 1 1 Mauritania 2 0 Mauritius 13 13 Mexico 55 22 Moldova 28 13 Mongolia 4 1 Morocco 42 20 Mozambique 1 2 Namibia 9 0 Nepal 17 1 New Zealand 67 76 Nicaragua 2 0 Niger 1 0 Nigeria 37 12 None 2 0 Oman 1 1 Pakistan 273 337 Palestinian Authority 3 0 Panama 5 0 Papua New Guinea 1 0 Paraguay 3 0 Peru 43 2 Philippines 302 185 Poland 0 73 Qatar 0 1 Refugee (Art 1 1951 Convention) 0 0 Romania 124 61 Russia 417 254 Rwanda 1 0 Sao Tome and Principe 0 0 Senegal 5 0 Seychelles 11 0 Sierra Leone 2 7 Singapore 18 26 Slovakia 0 88 Slovenia 0 2 Somalia 3 0 South Africa 202 67 South Korea 34 18 Sri Lanka 13 7 St. Kitts and Nevis 2 1 St. Lucia 7 6 St. Vincent 4 4 Stateless (Art 1 1951 Convention) 5 1 Sudan 7 1 Swaziland 1 2 Switzerland 0 12 Syria 5 3 Taiwan 34 6 Tajikistan 1 0 Tanzania 18 4 Thailand 534 349 Togo 3 2 Trinidad and Tobago 29 9 Tunisia 23 17 Turkey 106 67 Turkmenistan 3 0 Uganda 13 6 Ukraine 254 196 United States 753 476 Unspecified Nationality 14 0 Uruguay 2 0 Uzbekistan 13 0 Venezuela 21 0 Vietnam 44 8 XXH 0 3 XXP 1 0 Yemen 3 1 Yugoslavia 55 36 Zambia 7 1 Zimbabwe 33 3 Total 6,683 3,899 Note: UKvisas makes every effort to ensure that statistics produced from our ‘Central Reference System’ are accurate. However, the complexity of our global business, including technical failures or occasional inconsistencies in data entry across any of over 150 offices, means we cannot 100 per cent. guarantee accuracy. Source: CRS. Endorsement: Marriage/CP.