(2) how many carers of older people had short breaks funded by the carer’s grant in (a) 2002, (b) 2003, (c) 2004 , (d) 2005 and (e) 2006;
(3) how her Department monitors local authorities’ spending of the carer’s grant.
Decisions about the future of the carers grant in the next spending review period will be taken later this year.
Sustaining carers’ support will be ensured through the existing system for monitoring councils’ performance by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.
The number of carers for older people receiving breaks services through the carers grant in England are shown in the table. Figures for 2002-03 are not available.
Number 2003-04 72,901 2004-05 73,946 2005-06 96,758 Source: 2005-06 adults delivery and improvement statement—Commission for Social Care Inspection.