I have two petitions on behalf of my constituents. At the end of last year, we lost services in two of our community’s hospitals. The night-time small injuries units were closed and, in the case of Honiton, seven beds were closed without any prior consultation or warning. There has been great support in my constituency for urging the reopening of those services and seeking the reassurance that we are not going to see further closures of services in the coming year. On Friday, the primary care trust indicated that on Wednesday it will recommend to its board the reopening of the minor injuries unit, which I welcome. However, the petitions express the widespread concerns not only of patients but of medical professionals in my constituency.
The petitions state:
To the honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.
The Humble Petition of:—
Janet R. Rendle and residents of the town of Tiverton, Devon and neighbouring parishes.
Sheweth that the decision by the Devon Primary Care Trust to close the night time small injuries unit at Tiverton Hospital up to 31st March 2007 has been to the detriment of patients.
Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House urge the Secretary of State for Health to re-instate such services as of 1st April 2007 and that the PCT should give assurances as to the future of the Tiverton Hospital.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
To lie upon the Table.
To the honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.
The Humble Petition of:—
Roger William Boote and residents of the town of Honiton, Devon and neighbouring parishes.
Sheweth that the decision by the Devon Primary Care Trust to close the night time small injuries unit at Honiton Hospital, together with bed closures up to 31st March 2007, has been to the detriment of patients.
Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House urge the Secretary of State for Health to re-instate such services as of 1st April 2007 and that the PCT should give assurances as to the future of the Honiton Hospital.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
To lie upon the Table.