Information on applicants for business start-up assistance by gender and ethnic group is only available since April 2002 for those supported through the Northern Ireland Start a Business programme.
Table 1 provides information relating to offers made through the Start a Business programme by gender of applicant over the period April 2002 - March 2006.
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Total Female 511,750 671,000 1,026,750 696,900 2,906,400 Male 942,500 1,187,500 1,598,000 894,050 4,622,050 Total 1,454,250 1,858,500 2,624,750 1,590,950 7,528,450
Table 2 provides information relating to these offers by ethnic origin.
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Total White 1,441,750 1,838,750 2,593,750 1,510,950 7,385,200 Other ethnic groups and undisclosed 12,500 19,750 31,000 80,000 143,250 Total 1,454,250 1,858,500 2,624,750 1,590,950 7,528,450 Other ethnic groups include Bangladeshi, Black African, Black Caribbean, Chinese, Indian, mixed ethnic groups, other ethnic groups and Pakistani.