The following table has been compiled from the address given by the prisoner at the time of committal. To break down those classified as GB into individual countries would involve a disproportionate cost. The figures listed are from the last six years for which statistics are available. It is not currently possible to differentiate between overseas prisoners and those from Northern Ireland of no fixed address. However, since July 2006 foreign nationals have been recorded separately.
Establishment Address Magilligan Hydebank Wood (YOC) Maghaberry (male) Hydebank Wood (female) Total 2005 Northern Ireland 450 1,284 3,420 279 5,433 GB 11 5 55 7 78 ROI 5 10 49 6 70 Other/No fixed address 12 30 251 38 331 Total 478 1,329 3,775 330 5,912 2004 Northern Ireland 460 1,263 3,081 298 5,102 GB 8 2 52 6 68 ROI 2 6 28 6 42 Other/No fixed address 9 36 177 21 243 Total 479 1,307 3,338 331 5,455 2003 Northern Ireland 467 1,202 3,013 221 4,903 GB 8 1 49 15 73 ROI 5 10 44 10 69 Other/No fixed address 15 47 176 26 264 Total 495 1,260 3,282 272 5,309 2002 Northern Ireland 405 1,168 2,758 212 4,543 GB 5 7 40 3 55 ROI 4 9 30 4 47 Other/No fixed address 24 43 147 6 220 Total 438 1,227 2,975 225 4,865 2001 Northern Ireland 374 1,104 2,459 185 4,122 GB 6 2 27 3 38 ROI 3 7 20 2 32 Other/No fixed address 30 48 140 6 224 Total 413 1,161 2,646 196 4,416 2000 Northern Ireland 484 1,223 2,878 224 4,809 GB 11 6 40 3 60 ROI 8 5 23 8 44 Other/No fixed address 59 49 147 17 272 Total 562 1,283 3,088 252 5,185