Records show that funding detailed in the following table has been allocated to organisations involved in providing support for victims between April 1998 and March 2007. Year by year breakdowns of these figures is not available; nor are details of funding prior to 1998. In both cases this information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
In addition to the amounts shown, victims' groups may apply for funding from any programme or scheme, such as the District Council Community Relations Programme or European Union funding through the Local Strategy Partnerships, for which they can satisfy the relevant eligibility criteria.
Organisation Providing Support for Victims Amount allocated (£) 123 House 158,746 A Peace Cantata 4,430 Aisling Centre 225,982 Alanna Consultancy 1,790 An Crann 63,500 Ardoyne Commemoration 14,900 Armagh Voluntary Welfare Group 28,296 Ashton Community Trust 2,330,673 Association for Family Therapy NI 6,100 Ballybone, Belfast 2,100 Ballymoney District Partnership (Victims) 16,000 Ballymurphy Centre 568,810 Bannside Community Group 23,994 Barnardo's 75,050 Base 2 25,375 Befriending and Counselling 4,397 Belfast Cognitive Therapy Centre 56,215 Breaking the Silence 4,998 Care in Crisis 1,964 Community Action for Locally Managed Stress (CALMS) 878,520 Centre for Creative Energy, Londonderry 11,520 Cheshire Regimental Association 290 Claudy 12,027 Cliftonville Community Regeneration Forum 2,590 Coiste na n-larchimi 2,404 Co Tyrone Frontier Relief Fund 2,000 Coleraine/Ballymoney UDR 118,060 Colin Community Counselling Project 3,526 Colleague Support Group 3,100 Columba Community 223,663 Combat Stress 6,500 Community Council 2,240 Community Foundation for Northern Ireland 12,500 Community Relations Council 38,357 Comrades Support Group1 4,760 Conflict Trauma Resource Centre 265,787 Contact Youth 156,461 Conway Education Centre 2,500 Cookstown Colleague Support 2,165 Corpus Christi Services 566,439 Corrymeela Community 7,500 Cost of the Troubles Study 97,251 Crossfire Trust 17,214 CRUSE (Foyle) 35,000 CRUSE Bereavement (NI) 74,915 CRUSE Bereavement Care (Belfast) 37,587 CRUSE (Causeway) 2,500 Cum arm Tar Abhaile 22,171 Cunamh 751,084 Dairy Farm Jobclub 111,394 Democratic Dialogue 7,485 Derry and Raphoe Action 347,229 Derry City Council 2,500 Derry Well Women 172,986 Disabled Police Officers Association (DPOA) 190,395 Divis Centre 1,005 East Belfast Mission 1,560 Eastern Health & Social Services Board Trauma Advisory Panel 158,567 Families of the Displaced, Dispersed and Disappeared (FODDD) 194,969 Families Achieving Change Together (FACT) 647,634 Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR) 1,358,142 Families for Truth and Justice 800 Family Trauma Centre 704,062 Fermanagh College 69,600 Fermanagh South Tyrone Terrorist Victims Association 96,738 Fermanagh Voluntary Welfare Support Group 9,912 Firinne 347,783 Friends of WAVE 2,304 Give Innocent Victims Equality (GIVE) 5,200 Glencree LIVE Programme—The Restorick Group 750 Greater Belfast Community Network 84,500 Greater Twinbrook and Poleglass Community Forum 10,000 Healing Through Remembering 10,000 Help and Advice with Victims Every Need (HAVEN) 212,242 Holy Trinity 237,611 Holywell Trust 16,329 Homes United by Ruthless Terrorism (HURT) 480,729 HOPE 500 Innocence, Truth and Justice 980 Institute for Counselling and Personal Development (ICPD) 744,225 Interact 5,000 Interchurch Group on Faith and Politics 600 Irish Peace Institute 11,000 Koram Centre 254,938 Ladies Friendship Group 4,075 Lenadoon Community Counselling Project 300,238 Lifeline 26,500 Lifespring Health and Healing 10,000 Lifeways Psychotherapy and Counselling Centre 333,793 Lisburn Community Relations Network 1,200 Lisb urn Prisoners Support Project 133,423 Lisburn YMCA 1,200 Loughgall Truth and Justice Campaign 7,200 Lower North Belfast Community Group 2,000 Lurgan Welfare Support Group 4,216 Make Your Mark 57,838 Mid Ulster Survivors Trust 1,000 Mourne Action for Survivors of Terrorism (MAST) 229,191 Newforge Brunch Club 5,004 New Life Counselling Service 464,679 Newry and Mourne Voluntary Welfare Group 12,762 Nexus Institute 51,441 NI Association for Mental Health 46,702 NI Memorial Fund 8,367,288 NI Music Therapy Trust 94,969 NI Prison Service 600 NICRA 1,000 North and West Belfast Trust 20,000 Northern Health and Social Services Board Trauma Advisory Panel 155,158 North Ulster Victims Support Network 15,094 NI Centre for Trauma and Transformation (NICTT) 2,000,000 NI Terrorist Victims Together 3,050 NOVA 584,175 Omagh Independent Advice Services 31,657 Omagh Support and Self Help Group 217,747 Passionist Youth 94,800 Pat Finucane Centre 21,118 Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust 20,000 Positive Action 91,328 Prison Service Trust 64,160 RAFT-Restorative Action Following the Troubles 191,095 Regimental Association UDR1 134,816 Relatives For Justice 1,268,341 Royal Artillery Association 2,232 Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) 138,547 RUC GC Association1 25,649 Rural Network 205,345 Seeds of Hope 2,500 Shankill Stress and Trauma Group 706,422 Sligo Presbyterian 7,500 SOLAS Victim Support 111,479 South Deny Ex-Prisoners Association 2,500 South Down Action for Healing Wounds (SDAHW) 341,387 South East Fermanagh Foundation 429,513 South Tyrone Empowerment Programme 15,740 South Tyrone Voluntary Welfare Group 6,140 South West Community Victims 10,000 South/North Armagh Victims Encouraging Recognition (SAVER/NAVER) 952,788 Southern Health and Social Services Board Trauma Advisory Panel 179,149 Sperrin Lakeland Trust 70,649 Springhill Community House 279,896 Springvale Training 195,192 Stepping Stone, Craigavon 55,000 Stewartstown and District Support Group 3,260 Strabane Befriending and Counselling Association 311,609 Streetbeat Youth Project 215,532 Sub Committee for Victims 368,112 Support, Training, Education, Employment, Research (STEER) Mental Health 149,119 Survivors of Trauma 902,184 Tar Anall 115,300 Tar Isteach 190,993 Tara Counselling and Personal Development Company Ltd. 923,597 TEAR 11,579 The Bloody Sunday Trust 84,765 The Church's Ministry of Healing 18,000 The Cross Group 22,745 The Ely Centre 631,893 The Phoenix Group 35,447 The Royal British Legion (Upperlands Branch) 2,000 The Samaritans, Belfast 8,000 The Samaritans, Coleraine 7,000 The Wider Circle 265,527 Threshold 3,000 Towards Healing and Understanding 5,500 Trauma Recovery Network 1,235 Tullycarnet Victims Support Group 5,400 UDR Association1 18,667 Ulster Special Constabulary Association1 50,256 United Services Club 133,816 Victims Support (NI) 52,000 Victims and Survivors Trust (VAST) 514,181 VOICE 121,542 Voices Women's Group 17,054 WAVE1 5,399,569 West Belfast Cross Community Partnership 48,700 West Tyrone Voice (WTV) 820,085 Western Enterprise Social Legal and Educational Victims Trust 3,950 Western Health and Social Services Board Trauma Advisory Panel 197,852 Widows Mite 4,840 Women Together 11,641 Yarn and Darn 1,096 Yes! 5,000 Total 43,962,152 1 These organisations have a number of branches and the funding for individual branches has been combined for the purposes of the table. Note: The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland (formerly NIVT) also received £1,123,324 through the EU Special Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (Peace I) which supported victims of violence. The Foundation allocated these funds in support of a number of projects for both ex-prisoners and victims. Persons from these groups could benefit from the same project and it is not possible to disaggregate the assistance between the two groups.