The number of officers who took early retirement from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) on compensatory early retirement terms since 1997 are as follows:
Number 1997-1998 54 1998-1999 25 1999-2000 35 2000-2001 21 2001-2002 23 2002-2003 25 2003-2004 33 2004-2005 68 2005-2006 172 2006-2007 74
We have not been able to identify the number of officers who departed involuntarily within these figures. To check individual records for this purpose would incur disproportionate cost. It is our policy to do all we can to avoid or minimise compulsory redundancies.
All the officers departed under the provisions of the civil service compensation schemes. As a result of the 2004 spending round we have carried out a restructuring exercise since 2004 to realise efficiency savings. This early retirement programme will enable us to reduce the size of the senior management structure in the FCO by 18 per cent. by 31 March 2008.
The following chart sets out the number of officers who have taken early retirement from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for each year since 2002 and the cost to the FCO of their compensation:
Total costs to FCO (£) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 0-25,000 3 3 13 20 2 25,001-50,000 3 5 14 38 17 50,001-75,000 4 5 10 22 8 75,001-100,000 5 4 5 22 12 Over 100,001 10 16 26 70 35
We are unable to supply the requested information for the years 1997 to 2002; as this information is not readily available. To check individual records for this purpose, and to identify officers who may have taken involuntary early retirement, would incur disproportionate cost. It is our policy to do all we can to avoid compulsory redundancies.
The terms of the compensation we paid to these officers were those set out in the standard civil service compensation schemes. The amount is determined chiefly by age and pension entitlements.
As a result of the 2004 spending review we have carried out a restructuring exercise since 2004 to realise efficiency savings. This early retirement programme will enable us to reduce the size of the senior management structure in the FCO by 18 per cent. by 31 March 2008.