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Bluetongue Disease: Disease Control

Volume 459: debated on Tuesday 17 April 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) what the size is of the restricted area needed to isolate a farm from bluetongue; (130983)

(2) what plans he has made to combat an outbreak of bluetongue disease.

The Bluetongue Order 2003 implements, in England, the requirements of European Union Council Directive 2000/75/EEC, which lays down specific measures for the control and eradication of Bluetongue. Similar legislation applies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The legislation provides for measures (including veterinary investigation and movement restrictions) on premises where the presence of disease is suspected. When disease is confirmed, an initial zone of 20 kilometres (km) radius, a Protection Zone (PZ) of at least 100 km radius and Surveillance Zone (SZ) (at least 50 km beyond the PZ) would be established surrounding the infected premises. The measures applying to suspect premises are maintained and extended to all premises with susceptible animals in the 20 km zone. There is also a ban on the movement of animals out of the PZ, or out of the SZ, although some derogations from movement restrictions may be allowed, in agreement with the European Commission.

The Bluetongue Control Strategy, agreed in 2002, which is available on the DEFRA website, sets out the disease control measures in more detail. The strategy is currently under review (in partnership with industry) in light of experience and epidemiological evidence from the 2006 Northern European outbreak, and may therefore be subject to amendment.