Since the 1990s DEFRA and its predecessors have encouraged coastal defence authorities to produce shoreline management plans (SMPs) that provide a framework for long term strategic planning at the coast, taking account of climate change and other factors. These SMPs are developed on a coastal cell basis which is appropriate for the regional planning scale.
The first round of plans for the whole coast of England was completed in 1999 and a major programme of review is currently being implemented for completion by 2010. This review will fully incorporate lessons learnt from the first round plans and three pilot second round plans that have been undertaken to test and develop DEFRA's revised guidance to the authorities. In addition, first round plans have pointed to the need for a number of more detailed strategy studies that have been progressed in many areas.
There is no separate funding allocation for SMPs and these plans and strategic studies are being funded from DEFRA's overall flood and coastal erosion risk management budget. However, priority has been given to such studies in the allocation of limited funds available for new projects in 2007-08 to provide a sound basis for future programmes of improvement works.
SMPs are key documents to ensure consideration of coastal management issues in regional spatial strategies and future river basin district management plans being produced under the Water Framework Directive.