Information on the exact number of residents in Tamworth eligible for warm front is not available. However, on the basis of statistical modelling used by the warm front scheme manager, it is estimated that some 8,000 households in Tamworth could currently be eligible for assistance from the Scheme.
Since the start of the second phase of the warm front in June 2005, 491 households in Tamworth have received assistance from the scheme.
(2) what discussions he has had with Eaga on the shortfall in funding for Warm Front grants since the withdrawal of Energy Efficiency Commitment funding.
Energy Efficiency Commitment funding has not been withdrawn from the Warm Front scheme.
Eaga Plc continues to work closely with energy suppliers in meeting energy efficiency saving targets set by the Energy Efficiency Commitment.
I have been asked to reply.
Enforcement of compliance with the Building Regulations is undertaken by local authorities and the data are not held centrally.
The Government have been aware of the concerns about non-compliance with the energy efficiency requirements for some time. They gave commitments in the 2003 Energy White Paper to raise performance standards and to work with local authorities on improving enforcement.
The 2006 amendment to the Building Regulations followed consultations with stakeholders and adopted a number of measures to improve compliance with the energy efficiency requirements. We have since undertaken the most comprehensive information, education and dissemination programme ever in regard to these changes to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the importance of these measures, of their obligations to comply and of ways of doing so. Monitoring of implementation is proceeding with six monthly consultations with the enforcement authorities and regular contacts with the building industry.
We are working with retailers, lighting manufacturers and trade associations to phase out inefficient light bulbs over the next four years. We will phase out only those bulbs for which an efficient alternative currently exists.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs, an alternative to inefficient light bulbs, are now available for almost all household fittings. Dimmable compact fluorescent light bulbs, which work with both domestic and commercial dimmer switches, are already available and will be made increasingly available in the UK during the phase-out period.