The available information is in the following table.
Number/percentage Number HB recipients with dependants 1,162,000 Percentage HB recipients with dependants 30.6 Number HB recipients with a disabled child premium 78,000 Percentage HB recipients with a disabled child premium 2 Notes: 1. Case loads are rounded to the nearest thousand and percentages to one decimal place. 2. Figures are based on a 1 per cent. sample and are therefore subject to a degree of sampling variation. 3. The data refer to benefit units, which may be a single person or a couple. 4. Housing benefit figures exclude any extended payment cases. 5. Dependants are defined as children aged under 16 or young adults aged 16 to 18 in full time education. Source: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Management Information System, annual 1 per cent. sample, taken in May 2003.