The available information is in the following table:
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 North East 1,570 1,550 1,130 1,070 740 740 860 720 800 730 North West 4,810 3,560 2,910 2,250 1,870 1,710 1,780 1,780 1,660 1,660 Yorkshire and Humberside 2,980 2,980 2,330 1,620 1,250 1,110 1,020 970 1,060 820 East Midlands 2,800 2,090 1,240 860 1,140 840 470 570 490 560 West Midlands 1,900 2,130 1,630 1,400 870 750 1,180 1,350 760 830 East 2,620 2,500 1,800 1,320 960 700 560 680 820 740 London 4,950 4,150 3,130 1,930 1,380 1,140 1,230 1,480 1,800 1,780 South East 4,200 3,690 2,760 1,780 970 750 760 1,160 1,520 1,430 South West 4,320 3,960 2,700 2,050 1,760 1,130 900 960 940 1,030 Wales 2,120 2,090 1,690 1,200 1,030 900 910 940 980 920 Scotland 2,050 1,560 1,210 1,080 920 860 940 960 950 810 Notes: 1. The data refers to benefit units, which may be a single person or a couple. 2. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 10. 3. Housing benefit figures exclude any extended payment cases. 4. Figures for any non-responding local authorities have been estimated. 5. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Source: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Management Information System Quarterly 100 per cent. caseload stock-count taken in August 1997 to August 2006