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Home Energy Efficiency Scheme

Volume 459: debated on Monday 30 April 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) when his Department plans to complete its review of the Warm Front grant maxima for England; (134609)

(2) when the latest Warm Front price review undertaken by White, Young and Green is expected to be published.

[holding answer 27 April 2007]: These reviews are still continuing, and I expect to make further statements by the end of June.

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many households in each parliamentary constituency were assisted through the Warm Front scheme in each year since the scheme was introduced. (134611)

[holding answer 27 April 2007]: Since its launch in June 2000, the Warm Front scheme has assisted over 1.2 million households in fuel poverty in England, mainly through energy efficiency measures, including loft and cavity wall insulation.

Data on the number of households assisted in each constituency in each year since the start of the scheme could be obtained only at disproportionate cost. However, MPs can now access a personal micro site on the Eaga Group website that will update them on work undertaken in their area. The website also provides other information and resources to help MPs to raise awareness of the Warm Front scheme in their constituencies.