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Sportsgrounds: Lisburn

Volume 459: debated on Monday 30 April 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much has been spent on the Maze stadium project to date; how much has been spent on (a) scoping, (b) feasibility and (c) promotion of the Maze stadium project; how much will be spent in total on site clearance; which Departments approved this expenditure; and whether such expenditure came from within existing departmental expenditure limits. (134071)

To date Government and the Strategic Investment Board (SIB) have spent £916,855.38 on the proposed multi-sports stadium project at the Maze/Long Kesh. These costs include £124,727.53 on business planning which incorporate both (a) scoping and (b)feasibility. From 2004 to the end of this financial year, the Office of First and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) will have spent some £2.9 million on site clearance, demolition, and decontamination to prepare the Maze/Long Kesh regeneration site for redevelopment. No costs have been incurred on promotion of the stadium. These expenditures were approved by the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) and OFMDFM and are within their existing departmental expenditure limits.

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what evaluation was made of the financial feasibility of the Maze stadium project; and if he will place in the Library the report of such evaluation. (134073)

A viability assessment of a shared future multi-sports stadium for Northern Ireland was completed in May 2004. This concluded that the stadium could be operationally viable provided initial capital costs are met and the three sports bodies (Soccer, Rugby and Gaelic) agree to participate.

A copy of this report will be placed in the Library when final agreement has been reached with the three sports bodies and the business case for the stadium has been approved.

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether a study was undertaken to assess the viability of alternative sites to the Maze for a regional multi-purpose sports stadium. (134127)

A site selection evaluation exercise carried out in 2004 considered the viability of 12 sites for a shared future multi-sports stadium for Northern Ireland. Following this process, three sites were shortlisted for further, more detailed assessment. On the basis of this, two of the three remaining sites were ruled out on cost and acceptability grounds. This was announced in a press release in March 2005.