Portcullis House is assessed on a regular basis both for energy efficiency and carbon emissions. There is a reducing trend for both as can be seen from the following table:
kWh kWh/m2 C tonnes 2003-04 7,493,419 361.7 652.8 2004-05 7,102,707 342.9 623.8 2005-06 7,230,601 349.1 630.2 2006-07 6,882,342 332.2 537.4
All electricity consumed on the parliamentary estate has come from renewable sources since 1 February 2007, therefore there will be no carbon emissions resulting from electricity consumption in future. This has contributed to the reduction in carbon emissions for the year 2006-07.
The Board of Management will consider again next month whether the House should seek to achieve ISO14001 and then eco-management and audit scheme accreditation (EMAS).