As of 31 March 2007 the number of complaints under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 awaiting allocation to a case officer at the Information Commissioner’s Office, broken down by time and team, was as detailed in the following table.
Time period/team Belfast Cardiff Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Total 0 to three months 8 19 23 15 51 25 65 36 242 Three to six months 3 0 9 23 19 19 21 27 121 Six to nine months 1 0 12 20 18 18 11 23 103 Nine months + 15 0 12 37 37 6 8 32 147 Total for team 27 19 56 95 125 68 105 118 613
Sector Team name Health and Transport Team 1 Education, Police and Justice Team 2 Central Government 1 Team3 Local Government 1 (North) Team 4 Local Government 2 (South) Team 5 Central Government Millbank Team 6