The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 2 May 2007:
As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your recent question asking how many people died from cancer in each of the last 30 years for which figures are available in (a) England and (b) Great Yarmouth, broken down by cancer type. (135202)
Figures for Great Yarmouth can only be calculated from 1981 onwards. The attached tables provide the numbers of deaths where cancer was the underlying cause of death in (a) England from 1976 to 2005 (the latest year available) and (b) Great Yarmouth from 1981 to 2005, by cancer site.
Deaths (persons) 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 All cancers 117,812 117,399 118,780 120,461 121,546 122,341 122,692 124,859 129,989 131,222 Lip, mouth and pharynx 1,516 1,422 1,411 1,564 1,495 1,571 1,494 1,589 1,656 1,588 Oesophagus 3,221 3,365 3,448 3,385 3,572 3,583 3,756 3,820 4,050 4,267 Stomach 11,014 10,570 10,674 10,464 10,140 9,854 9,423 9,724 9,557 9,257 Colorectal 16,043 15,423 15,395 15,526 15,548 15,434 15,032 15,565 16,191 16,174 Pancreas 5,296 5,313 5,344 5,546 5,564 5,372 5,372 5,469 5,661 5,675 Larynx 754 691 718 775 755 789 783 714 729 781 Lung 31,774 32,273 32,559 32,890 33,327 32,899 32,944 33,622 33,815 33,849 Melanoma of the skin 739 699 722 751 762 815 897 800 934 920 Breast (female) 11,091 11,080 11,219 11,367 11,417 11,741 11,628 11,879 12,471 12,710 Cervix 2,065 2,002 1,986 1,944 1,939 1,877 1,804 1,815 1,779 1,814 Uterus 1,418 1,412 1,463 1,400 1,416 1,417 1,468 1,408 1,370 1,431 Ovary 3,519 3,471 3,582 3,524 3,524 3,494 3,385 3,514 3,710 3,600 Prostate 4,348 4,371 4,463 4,568 4,732 4,880 4,971 5,310 5,892 6,252 Testis 266 243 201 185 207 154 131 140 149 107 Kidney 1,716 1,701 1,615 1,697 1,682 1,704 1,874 1,931 2,073 2,075 Bladder 4,010 3,998 3,999 3,972 4,013 4,111 4,007 4,201 4,341 4,406 Brain 1,787 1,957 2,025 2,127 2,165 2,025 1,919 2,215 2,385 2,390 Hodgkin’s disease 603 613 625 546 535 512 473 452 448 433 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 1,723 1,792 1,977 2,004 2,145 2,052 2,236 2,365 2,584 2,680 Multiple myeloma 1,281 1,337 1,385 1,514 1,491 1,533 1,550 1,554 1,788 1,906 All leukaemias 2,985 2,982 3,136 3,086 3,120 3,147 3,258 3,219 3,320 3,439
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 All cancers 130,494 132,115 133,549 134,405 133,941 134,630 134,987 131,460 130,768 130,256 Lip, mouth and pharynx 1,537 1,572 1,576 1,601 1,543 1,603 1,593 1,469 1,650 1,497 Oesophagus 4,242 4,483 4,528 4,650 4,890 4,951 5,035 5,257 5,334 5,427 Stomach 8,995 8,858 8,719 8,440 8,083 7,805 7,686 6,987 7,007 6,511 Colorectal 15,724 15,987 16,133 16,279 16,156 16,007 16,285 15,038 14,803 14,675 Pancreas 5,631 5,733 5,628 5,712 5,762 5,661 5,661 5,522 5,439 5,476 Larynx 785 816 791 807 749 792 825 799 771 755 Lung 33,243 33,148 33,281 32,465 32,305 32,169 31,603 30,524 30,121 29,711 Melanoma of the skin 976 969 1,027 1,027 1,091 1,090 1,065 1,311 1,290 1,301 Breast (female) 12,825 12,901 12,851 13,108 12,825 12,979 12,803 12,197 12,015 11,772 Cervix 1,858 1,763 1,809 1,692 1,653 1,531 1,532 1,377 1,265 1,256 Uterus 1,369 1,355 1,358 1,358 1,349 1,381 1,292 1,209 1,173 1,226 Ovary 3,622 3,704 3,570 3,717 3,781 3,625 3,643 3,587 3,612 3,647 Prostate 6,511 6,750 7,051 7,411 7,635 8,032 8,257 8,100 8,170 8,259 Testis 116 131 134 108 117 104 117 94 71 79 Kidney 2,095 2,127 2,138 2,228 2,269 2,393 2,417 2,386 2,395 2,508 Bladder 4,446 4,344 4,521 4,510 4,668 4,621 4,810 4,500 4,516 4,542 Brain 2,269 2,426 2,481 2,546 2,534 2,493 2,679 2,453 2,437 2,481 Hodgkin’s disease 426 433 401 361 348 341 364 326 252 281 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 2,818 3,023 3,243 3,279 3,355 3,470 3,583 3,544 3,589 3,725 Multiple myeloma 1,864 2,019 1,995 2,129 1,970 2,006 1,969 2,070 1,974 2,067 All leukaemias 3,312 3,396 3,409 3,469 3,238 3,391 3,326 3,312 3,265 3,272
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 All cancers 128,886 127,040 127,564 125,527 124,208 127,076 128,171 127,259 129,057 126,606 Lip, mouth and pharynx 1,555 1,576 1,570 1,549 1,530 1,572 1,581 1,472 1,619 1,598 Oesophagus 5,429 5,439 5,558 5,675 5,673 5,668 5,910 6,002 5,899 6,087 Stomach 6,270 6,151 5,963 5,667 5,365 5,197 5,171 4,894 4,708 4,582 Colorectal 14,415 14,190 13,962 13,613 13,223 13,182 13,387 13,079 13,217 13,191 Pancreas 5,478 5,421 5,444 5,579 5,695 5,663 5,726 5,841 5,887 6,093 Larynx 744 730 685 684 655 706 686 678 627 606 Lung 28,974 28,130 28,360 27,671 27,245 26,922 27,031 27,005 26,453 26,937 Melanoma of the skin 1,291 1,315 1,388 1,377 1,445 1,380 1,383 1,466 1,478 1,530 Breast (female) 11,424 11,241 11,004 10,856 10,609 10,846 10,789 10,489 10,295 10,346 Cervix 1,225 1,150 1,078 1,034 1,035 947 926 888 899 837 Uterus 1,216 1,207 1,208 1,153 1,243 1,292 1,271 1,306 1,351 1,368 Ovary 3,864 3,747 3,744 3,691 3,669 3,877 3,922 3,805 3,655 3,694 Prostate 8,219 7,977 8,067 8,048 7,786 8,286 8,440 8,582 8,533 8,520 Testis 95 64 71 71 63 55 56 70 64 61 Kidney 2,402 2,511 2,549 2,538 2,548 2,642 2,755 2,813 2,947 2,941 Bladder 4,310 4,280 4,212 4,102 4,173 4,172 4,160 4,131 4,065 3,906 Brain 2,550 2,617 2,633 2,630 2,694 2,779 2,720 2,772 2,826 2,775 Hodgkin’s disease 275 245 246 226 223 211 238 270 265 232 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 3,690 3,677 3,720 3,762 3,785 3,858 4,021 3,917 3,738 3,781 Multiple myeloma 2,027 1,934 2,097 2,033 1,886 2,187 2,260 2,307 2,205 2,158 All leukaemias 3,233 3,310 3,292 3,425 3,318 3,515 3,620 3,665 3,555 3,620 1 Cause of death was defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision (ICD-8) for the years 1976-78, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) for the years 1979 to 2000, and Tenth Revision (ICD-10) for 2001 onwards. The introduction of ICD-9 in 1979 and ICD-10 in 2001 means that the numbers of deaths from specific causes are not completely comparable across the whole period. The ICD codes for each cancer site are given in the following table. 2 Figures are for deaths registered in each calendar year.
ICD-8 (1976-78) ICD-9 (1979-2000) ICD-10 (2001-05) All cancers 140-205 140-208 C00-97 Lip, mouth and pharynx 140-149 140-149 C00-C14 Oesophagus 150 150 C15 Stomach 151 151 C16 Colorectal 153-154 153-154 C18-C21 Pancreas 157 157 C25 Larynx 161 161 C32 Lung 162 162 C33-C34 Melanoma of the skin 172 172 C43 Breast (female) 174 174 C50 Cervix 180 180 C53 Uterus 182 182 C54-C55 Ovary 183 183 C56-C57 Prostate 185 185 C61 Testis 186 186 C62 Kidney 189 189 C64-C66, C68 Bladder 188 188 C67 Brain 191 191 C71 Hodgkin’s disease 201 201 C81 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 200, 202 200, 202 C82-C85, C91.4, C96 Multiple myeloma 203 203 C90 All leukaemias 204-207 204-208 C91-C95 ex. C91.4
Deaths (persons) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 All cancers 235 254 265 279 269 260 239 299 269 302 283 298 287 Lip, mouth and pharynx 0 3 2 6 6 4 2 3 2 1 1 5 3 Oesophagus 3 6 9 5 8 9 5 10 13 8 11 11 11 Stomach 27 16 16 15 24 28 27 22 19 23 13 23 21 Colorectal 21 36 29 34 34 37 26 37 29 43 35 41 35 Pancreas 11 7 7 14 8 9 6 14 8 14 11 11 8 Larynx 0 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 0 1 3 0 1 Lung 61 71 81 68 59 69 55 86 64 61 74 65 64 Melanoma of the skin 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 5 Breast (female) 24 10 25 30 29 25 27 20 30 38 31 20 34 Cervix 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 1 5 4 5 3 1 Uterus 1 3 2 2 4 2 3 1 1 0 2 3 3 Ovary 9 8 10 10 10 5 4 11 6 7 8 7 6 Prostate 9 18 6 17 10 15 19 15 17 24 16 27 19 Testis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 Kidney 0 2 3 3 4 5 6 5 6 6 2 7 7 Bladder 11 9 16 7 16 5 4 9 12 13 9 12 6 Brain 6 5 6 2 7 4 6 10 6 6 5 5 7 Hodgkin’s disease 1 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 3 7 7 10 5 4 8 8 3 7 7 7 8 Multiple myeloma 3 2 3 7 3 3 1 5 4 7 5 7 4 All leukaemias 7 4 4 8 5 3 6 5 7 6 8 4 6
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 All cancers 274 299 275 268 281 280 287 279 259 263 287 299 Lip, mouth and pharynx 3 4 2 1 3 2 2 1 6 2 2 2 Oesophagus 12 16 11 3 13 22 14 11 14 4 7 18 Stomach 21 20 15 12 13 12 16 7 8 10 11 10 Colorectal 29 32 27 30 30 27 28 29 39 25 36 30 Pancreas 13 9 9 5 12 17 10 10 4 9 26 15 Larynx 2 5 1 0 2 2 1 4 4 2 2 4 Lung 57 73 72 67 64 55 58 63 44 57 62 60 Melanoma of the skin 4 2 2 2 2 3 5 1 3 4 5 2 Breast (female) 22 28 25 23 19 24 14 23 22 20 24 22 Cervix 2 1 4 8 4 2 4 1 3 2 1 0 Uterus 0 2 0 4 2 1 5 2 3 2 7 7 Ovary 6 2 8 5 5 11 6 9 5 7 8 8 Prostate 32 25 16 19 17 26 21 27 22 30 16 25 Testis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kidney 4 4 3 3 2 7 11 10 8 8 5 12 Bladder 9 11 14 18 14 9 8 11 5 11 11 6 Brain 4 4 6 3 11 5 3 5 5 3 7 8 Hodgkin’s disease 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 4 8 8 8 11 5 9 7 10 16 7 9 Multiple myeloma 6 3 0 5 4 1 5 5 4 6 3 4 All leukaemias 7 5 8 10 5 6 14 7 2 9 3 8 1 Cause of death was defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) for the years 1981 to 2000, and Tenth Revision (ICD-10) for 2001 onwards. The introduction of ICD-10 in 2001 means that the numbers of deaths from specific causes before 2001 are not completely comparable across the whole period. The ICD codes for each cancer site are given in the following table. 2 Based on local authority boundaries as of 2007. 3 Figures are for deaths registered in each calendar year.
ICD-9 (1979-2000) ICD-10 (2001-05) All cancers 140-208 C00-97 Lip, mouth and pharynx 140-149 C00-C14 Oesophagus 150 C15 Stomach 151 C16 Colorectal 153-154 C18-C21 Pancreas 157 C25 Larynx 161 C32 Lung 162 C33-C34 Melanoma of the skin 172 C43 Breast (female) 174 C50 Cervix 180 C53 Uterus 182 C54-C55 Ovary 183 C56-C57 Prostate 185 C61 Testis 186 C62 Kidney 189 C64-C66, C68 Bladder 188 C67 Brain 191 C71 Hodgkin’s disease 201 C81 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 200, 202 C82-C85, C91.4, C96 Multiple myeloma 203 C90 All leukaemias 204-208 C91-C95 ex. C91.4
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 2 May 2007:
As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question asking how many people were diagnosed with cancer in each of the last 30 years for which figures are available in (a) England and (b) Great Yarmouth, broken down by cancer type. [135203]
The latest available figures for newly diagnosed cases (incidence) of cancer in England are for the year 2004. Figures for (a) England from 1975-2004 are given in Table 1 and (b) Great Yarmouth local authority from 1990-2004 are given in Table 2. Earlier figures for Great Yarmouth are not readily available.
Persons 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 All cancers 154,810 157,510 162,270 167,970 168,915 170,379 175,740 177,661 181,501 187,958 All cancers xnmsc2 139,963 142,209 146,840 152,033 152,475 152,727 157,329 158,660 162,726 168,115 Lip, mouth and pharynx 2,907 3,030 2,816 2,997 2,986 2,885 2,778 2,681 2,786 2,832 Oesophagus 2,851 2,964 3,082 3,188 3,349 3,403 3,489 3,622 3,391 3,607 Stomach 11,526 11,315 11,501 11,361 11,742 11,110 11,384 11,411 11,237 11,524 Colorectal 19,170 19,414 20,255 20,718 21,198 21,169 21,504 21,996 22,167 22,891 Pancreas 4,656 4,587 4,737 5,021 5,041 5,128 5,189 5,364 5,624 5,466 Larynx 1,443 1,480 1,501 1,607 1,577 1,603 1,588 1,625 1,637 1,652 Lung 29,785 29,742 31,043 31,960 31,912 32,330 33,492 33,395 34,359 34,817 Melanoma of the skin 1,097 1,242 1,372 1,444 1,503 1,553 1,560 1,674 1,822 1,960 Breast (female) 17,647 18,709 19,165 20,287 19,603 19,118 19,803 20,339 20,166 21,175 Cervix 3,794 3,650 3,710 3,642 3,618 3,526 3,554 3,475 3,630 3,772 Uterus 2,997 3,011 3,161 3,216 3,231 3,464 3,333 3,300 3,335 3,385 Ovary 3,842 3,852 3,723 3,956 3,901 3,938 4,164 4,046 4,160 4,356 Prostate 5,789 5,963 6,363 6,742 6,861 7,066 7,429 7,289 7,972 8,440 Testis 612 637 662 704 714 706 729 797 731 826 Kidney 2,086 2,118 2,245 2,316 2,447 2,366 2,532 2,498 2,573 2,692 Bladder 6,918 6,951 7,219 7,270 7,256 7,363 7,840 7,909 8,445 8,729 Brain 2,209 2,148 1,997 2,097 2,030 2,028 2,147 2,075 2,424 2,480 Hodgkin's Lymphoma 1,246 1,382 1,337 1,348 1,270 1,284 1,295 1,279 1,164 1,287 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 2,131 2,260 2,432 2,521 2,772 2,721 2,887 2,927 3,265 3,490 Multiple Myeloma 1,265 1,331 1,357 1,603 1,562 1,593 1,728 1,778 1,846 1,913 Leukaemia 3,565 3,844 4,011 4,226 4,183 4,110 4,389 4,326 3,956 4,042
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 All cancers 193,697 194,834 199,314 199,315 213,663 212,041 217,472 225,509 225,553 227,126 All cancers xnmsc2 172,388 173,606 176,575 176,800 188,084 184,507 189,538 194,770 194,533 196,487 Lip, mouth and pharynx 2,865 2,876 2,926 2,883 2,905 2,836 2,965 3,019 2,859 3,059 Oesophagus 3,818 3,924 3,904 4,128 4,280 4,339 4,603 4,744 4,785 4,981 Stomach 11,421 11,090 11,306 10,789 11,110 10,706 10,427 10,409 10,168 9,685 Colorectal 23,730 23,631 24,263 24,026 25,015 24,483 25,104 25,851 26,119 26,203 Pancreas 5,532 5,627 5,646 5,542 5,911 5,731 5,784 5,810 5,837 5,812 Larynx 1,666 1,705 1,656 1,738 1,750 1,759 1,861 1,923 1,873 1,846 Lung 35,466 35,558 35,758 35,035 37,095 35,290 35,399 35,716 34,451 34,262 Melanoma of the skin 2,136 2,220 2,375 2,365 2,994 2,999 3,432 3,879 3,613 3,505 Breast (female) 21,326 21,722 21,851 21,833 24,032 23,805 24,803 25,161 26,702 27,474 Cervix 3,782 3,706 3,672 3,793 4,053 4,025 3,988 4,039 3,790 3,884 Uterus 3,436 3,416 3,378 3,388 3,570 3,483 3,404 3,546 3,557 3,583 Ovary 4,332 4,337 4,540 4,484 4,744 4,636 4,852 4,776 4,807 4,732 Prostate 8,784 9,161 9,534 9,672 10,534 10,805 11,151 11,837 11,891 12,518 Testis 886 865 841 953 1,025 1,084 1,128 1,187 1,227 1,199 Kidney 2,824 2,980 3,135 3,157 3,289 3,232 3,394 3,528 3,827 3,908 Bladder 9,150 9,083 9,404 9,574 10,242 10,066 10,165 10,706 10,654 10,678 Brain 2,549 2,450 2,601 2,661 2,788 2,687 2,832 2,932 2,975 2,948 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1,207 1,177 1,167 1,148 1,250 1,185 1,137 1,114 1,100 1,130 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3,711 3,788 3,977 4,225 4,671 4,757 5,114 5,570 5,601 5,733 Multiple Myeloma 2,018 2,063 2,152 2,218 2,516 2,353 2,530 2,615 2,508 2,463 Leukaemia 4,277 4,307 4,477 4,483 4,844 4,443 4,683 5,034 4,883 4,810
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 All cancers 231,915 240,885 237,278 243,285 245,012 245,358 251,775 263,207 267,805 272,992 All cancers xnmsc2 199,844 206,735 204,875 209,164 209,137 209,564 211,624 216,702 221,064 223,609 Lip, mouth and pharynx 3,114 3,353 3,225 3,396 3,302 3,424 3,615 3,670 3,990 4,090 Oesophagus 5,050 5,371 5,397 5,611 5,497 5,476 5,672 5,730 5,893 6,033 Stomach 9,369 9,448 8,983 8,914 8,614 8,365 8,455 8,170 7,875 7,865 Colorectal 26,185 27,617 26,970 26,983 27,007 27,872 27,884 29,021 29,088 28,902 Pancreas 5,919 5,809 5,720 5,642 5,629 5,607 5,527 5,529 5,882 5,924 Larynx 1,809 1,890 1,871 1,951 1,794 1,799 1,812 1,790 1,769 1,903 Lung 34,227 34,928 33,356 33,317 32,728 31,396 31,285 31,327 31,137 31,090 Melanoma of the skin 3,559 3,893 4,429 4,465 4,577 4,487 4,703 5,000 5,041 5,821 Breast (female) 29,116 29,665 28,618 29,490 29,904 30,412 31,380 32,908 34,176 33,829 Cervix 3,340 3,171 3,090 2,976 2,837 2,737 2,607 2,594 2,642 2,424 Uterus 3,695 3,673 3,754 3,822 3,850 3,932 4,016 4,086 4,298 4,730 Ovary 4,923 4,924 4,920 4,929 5,368 5,408 5,621 5,653 5,569 5,512 Prostate 13,339 14,809 16,022 18,204 17,973 18,837 18,201 19,335 20,842 23,109 Testis 1,268 1,316 1,338 1,303 1,464 1,423 1,411 1,541 1,676 1,648 Kidney 3,952 4,139 4,217 4,434 4,317 4,500 4,833 4,749 4,860 5,084 Bladder 10,730 11,190 11,211 11,028 11,207 10,614 10,387 10,528 10,524 9,221 Brain 2,969 3,329 3,263 3,269 3,408 3,358 3,471 3,462 3,461 3,706 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1,019 1,154 1,108 1,104 1,063 1,054 1,068 1,187 1,150 1,254 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 6,080 6,253 6,303 6,669 6,559 6,607 6,821 7,187 7,646 7,811 Multiple Myeloma 2,610 2,645 2,664 2,693 2,899 2,729 2,650 3,128 3,145 3,295 Leukaemia 4,891 4,862 5,021 5,147 5,284 4,952 4,981 5,306 5,397 5,549 1 Cancers are coded to the International Classification of Diseases (Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Revisions). 2 All cancers except Non-melanoma of skin. Source: Office for National Statistics
Persons 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 All cancers 508 532 579 519 523 552 529 565 All cancers xnmsc2 405 430 442 415 411 430 425 421 Lip, mouth and pharynx 10 6 10 8 9 8 6 8 Oesophagus 6 5 9 9 7 11 9 5 Stomach 31 17 24 21 24 28 15 19 Colorectal 66 64 67 56 69 52 55 57 Pancreas 9 13 10 9 16 9 9 7 Larynx 3 1 6 2 8 4 6 3 Lung 51 74 70 73 58 79 70 55 Melanoma of the skin 8 5 9 15 14 7 9 10 Breast (female) 55 63 64 72 52 57 56 70 Cervix 9 6 7 2 10 6 10 9 Uterus 7 10 8 9 7 10 9 14 Ovary 7 13 7 7 8 12 9 8 Prostate 31 43 32 36 40 31 47 37 Testis 0 4 1 6 4 2 2 4 Kidney 11 4 13 7 2 5 10 11 Bladder 17 20 17 11 17 25 24 20 Brain 7 7 9 6 3 6 6 9 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 16 11 11 8 14 14 15 10 Multiple Myeloma 6 7 5 6 5 6 4 7 Leukaemia 11 9 7 7 6 7 8 9
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 All cancers 601 632 626 684 609 706 650 All cancers xnmsc2 464 492 475 520 459 546 504 Lip, mouth and pharynx 7 6 9 7 10 11 4 Oesophagus 18 23 15 15 9 9 14 Stomach 22 20 13 15 17 17 12 Colorectal 51 65 59 78 66 74 68 Pancreas 13 15 13 7 6 19 19 Larynx 3 2 5 4 6 5 4 Lung 69 61 64 75 53 63 67 Melanoma of the skin 21 10 10 8 14 25 20 Breast (female) 59 86 62 77 68 95 71 Cervix 6 4 2 1 8 4 6 Uterus 8 14 13 13 23 19 6 Ovary 13 9 13 17 2 7 10 Prostate 47 60 58 63 67 54 52 Testis 4 3 5 0 3 2 8 Kidney 9 13 17 14 19 17 11 Bladder 18 17 22 28 13 21 29 Brain 10 7 7 4 9 5 7 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1 4 3 3 1 2 3 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 17 6 14 13 9 24 28 Multiple Myeloma 5 6 5 17 8 5 5 Leukaemia 11 19 14 10 7 21 10 1 Cancers are coded to the International Classification of Diseases (Ninth and Tenth Revisions). 2 All cancers except Non-melanoma of skin. Source: Office for National Statistics
ICD-8 ICD-9 ICD-10 All cancers 140-207 140-208 C00-97 All cancers xnmsc 140-172, 174-207 140-172, 174-208 C00-43, C45-97 Colorectal 153-154 153-154 C18-21 Stomach 151 151 C16 Oesophagus 150 150 C15 Lip, mouth and pharynx 140-149 140-149 C00-14 Pancreas 157 157 C25 Larynx 161 161 C32 Lung 162 162 C33-34 Melanoma 172 172 C43 Breast 174 174 C50 Cervix 180 180 C53 Uterus 182.0 182 C54 Ovary 183 183 C56-57 Prostate 185 185 C61 Testis 186 186 C62 Kidney 189 189 C64-66, C68 Bladder 188 188 C67 Brain 191 191 C71 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 200, 202 200, 202 C82-85, C91.4, C96 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 201 201 C81 Multiple Myeloma 203 203 C88, C90 Leukaemia 204-207 204-208 C91-91.3, C91.5-C95