The following table shows the total expenditure on staff employed in local authority maintained nursery, primary and secondary schools and maintained special schools in England, financial years 1997-98 to 2005-06.
Expenditure for teaching staff employed in pupil referral units is not available and information for special needs units attached to mainstream schools cannot be provided separately.
£ Total expenditure by maintained schools on teaching staff (including supply teachers)1,2 Maintained nursery, primary and secondary schools Maintained special schools 1997-98 8,990,811,000 451,502,000 1998-99 9,330,524,000 457,626,000 1999-003,4 11,314,775,000 496,800,000 2000-01 12,199,008,000 533,004,000 2001-02 13,559,180,000 573,490,000 2002-032,3 14,027,268,000 582,243,000 2003-04 15,457,315,000 638,386,000 2004-05 16,037,051,000 658,115,000 2005-065 16,767,800,000 689,393,000 1 Includes teachers employed directly by the school, including supernumerary/peripatetic teachers on short-term contracts and supply teaching staff who are covering curriculum release, long-term absence, sickness absence and training absence. Relates to all contracted full- time and part- time teachers paid within the scope of the ‘The Education (School Teachers' Pay and Conditions) Order’ and includes expenditure on salaries and wages consisting of gross pay, including bonus and allowances, maternity pay and the employer's contributions to national insurance and superannuation. Also includes threshold payments and other payments relating to teacher reforms. Expenditure on supply teachers not employed directly from the school (i.e. paid via an agency or another third party) are also included. Does not include expenditure on teaching staff employed centrally by the local authority. 2 Includes all local authority maintained nursery, primary, secondary and special schools. Figures for 2002-03 exclude expenditure by local authority maintained nursery schools as these were not collected in that year. 3 1999-2000 saw a change in data source when the data collection moved from the RO1 form collected by the ODPM to the Section 52 form from the DFES. 2002-03 saw a further break in the time series following the introduction of consistent financial reporting (CFR) to schools and the associated restructuring of the outturn tables. The change in sources is shown by the blank row. 4 1999-00 figures reflect to return of grant maintained schools to local authority maintenance. 5 2005-06 data remain provisional and subject to change by the local authority. 6 Figures are rounded to the nearest £1,000.