Where it is available, the information requested is recorded in the following tables.
Within the Home Office and its agencies there are separate arrangements for awarding bonuses. Staff may receive annual, appraisal-related awards based on their exceptional contribution throughout the year, or special bonuses for exceptional, specific work. Senior civil servants can be awarded bonuses as set out in the Senior Salaries Review Body report number 62.
2005-06 Amount paid (£) 3,612,916 Number paid 5,014 Total staff (headcount) 25,343 Notes: 1. The data for appraisal-related bonus payments is included only for Home Office HQ and Border and Immigration Agency (BIA). 2. The table does not include: The data for the public sector Prison Service is excluded as it can be provided only at disproportionate cost. Identity and Passport Agency (IPS) does not run an appraisal-related bonus scheme. 3. Data for special bonus payments is included only for the senior civil service (for the whole Department and its agencies) and IPS for certain bonuses where information is available 4. Data recorded for performance appraisal payments relates to the previous reporting year and not the financial year in which the bonuses themselves were paid. 5. Staffing data is for those in Home Office HQ and BIA and all senior civil servants in the Department and its agencies, including IPS.