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Volume 461: debated on Friday 15 June 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what plans she has to extend consultation on the draft national policy statements for infrastructural planning proposals in England to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where there is a potential impact on those areas arising from the proposals. (142444)

Chapter 10 of the white paper “Planning for a Sustainable Future” (Cm 7120) sets out our proposals in relation to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Government intends that any national policy statements for air transport and for energy would be developed for the whole of Great Britain or the UK as appropriate. These policies would be developed with the full involvement of the devolved Administrations and the consultation proposed in Chapter 3 of the white paper would encompass the whole of Great Britain or the UK. Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland Ministers would be statutory consultees in the development of relevant national policy statements.