The public contribution to the running of the 2007 Army Ski Championships amounted to £22,000, which paid for the transportation of equipment. The commercial sponsors for the event were Norwich Union and BAE Systems. Land Rover loaned three vehicles free of charge for use by the Army Skiing Championships during the event. Mitsubishi Motors also loaned a vehicle free of charge for use to the Chairman of the Army Winter Sports Association (AWSA) for the duration of the Championships. The championships were held in Chantmerle in South East France.
The Chief of the General Staff, accompanied by his Aide de Camp, flew from the UK to Germany and was driven from there to the championships, subsequently returning by air from Turin to the UK. The total cost for air travel was £1,705.60. CGS’ driver travelled separately, driving one of the Land Rovers, incurring costs of £145 for the Eurotunnel crossing and approximately £375 on fuel. Hotel costs for the party amounted to £935.65.
Senior officers have been taken to mean those of the rank of Brigadier and above. In addition to Chief of the General Staff, nine such officers attended and these individuals are listed. All travelled by air unless otherwise stated.
Assistant Chief of the General Staff (designate), travelled at his own cost; General Officer Commanding, United Kingdom Support Command (Germany), accompanied by his Aide de Camp and driver, attending in his capacity as Chairman of the AWSA, travelled in a sponsored vehicle provided for the event at no public cost;
Director Royal Artillery;
Director Infantry;
Director Army Aviation; Director Royal Logistics Corps;
Director Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (Army);
Director Development, Concept and Doctrine Centre Land; travelled to/from the championships by car from Germany, subsequently returning by air to the UK);
Chief G7 Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, attending in his capacity as Chairman of Army Alpine Skiing, travelled to/from the championships by car from Germany.