The Ministry of Defence purchased some 133 GWh of electricity from renewable energy sources in financial year 2005-06. This amount represents 6 per cent. of the Department’s total electricity consumption for the year in question and is reported in the Sustainable Development Commission’s Sustainable Development in Government Report 2006.
A copy of the report is available in the Library of the House.
The Ministry of Defence has agreed to achieve the Sustainable Operations on the Government estate key target to source at least 10 per cent. of its electricity from renewable sources by 31 March 2010.
We are developing a departmental strategy to maximise energy supply from renewable sources and this is expected to be completed in late 2007. Priorities include: procurement of more electricity from renewable sources; supporting the use of sites for renewable energy systems, where appropriate; and providing renewable energy systems for buildings where it is technically and economically feasible.
We are also discussing alternative sources of fuel and technology through our partnership agreement with the Carbon Trust.