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Electronic Equipment: Waste Disposal

Volume 461: debated on Friday 15 June 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many civic amenity sites are registered as designated collection facilities for all five categories of waste electrical and electronic equipment under the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive. (142743)

Of the 1,046 civic amenity sites which have applied for designated collection facilities approval 867 will collect all five categories of WEEE.

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive designated collection facilities are in rural areas. (142744)

There are 1,046 local authority civic amenity sites that have registered as designated collection facilities (DCFs). This represents 100 per cent. of local authority sites in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland and 97 per cent. of sites in England. In addition there are a further 400 private DCFs including local authority waste transfer stations.

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many compliance schemes are available for electronic producers with recycling obligations under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations. (142745)

There are 37 approved producer compliance schemes registered with the environment authorities, details of which are available on both the DTI website:

and the Environment Agency website: