There have been no reports of prisoners held in vehicles either before or after their hearings because of a lack of space in court cells.
In May 2006 management information provided by our contractors show that there were 1,913 prisoners returned to a different prison or young offender institution after their court hearing to that from which they were delivered to court. The number of prisoners, escorted to court from prison, who following their court hearing were kept overnight or longer in police stations was 3,399; the figure for those kept overnight in court cells was 71.
The information requested is as set out on the following table:
2 to 3 hours1 3 to 4 hours 4 to 5 hours 5 to 6 hours Over 6 hours Male aged over 21 437 187 38 16 11 Female aged over 21 137 40 8 1 3 Male aged 18 to 21 131 42 22 8 2 Female aged 18 to 21 25 7 0 0 0 1 This excludes information on prisoners escorted from courts in the London and South East whose journeys were between two and three hours as this information is not available.