The available information is given in the following tables. Statistics for Bridgend relate to the Bridgend Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership area.
Number of offences Bridgend South Wales Wales England 1996 n/a 12,472 20,511 581,617 1997 n/a 10,687 18,001 501,264 n/a = Not available
Number of offences Bridgend South Wales Wales England 1998-991 n/a 9,239 16,038 457,311 1999-2000 662 8,383 14,446 428,156 2000-01 483 6,685 12,150 390,834 2001-02 500 6,845 12,526 417,821 n/a = Not available 1 Using the expanded coverage and revised counting rules which came into effect on 1 April 1998. Figures after that date are not directly comparable with those for earlier years.
Number of offences Bridgend South Wales Wales England 2002-031 659 8,060 14,954 422,617 2003-04 505 7,275 13,902 388,431 2004-05 378 6,477 11,697 309,762 2005-06 404 5,747 10,009 290,542 1 The National Crime Recording Standard was introduced nationally in April 2002. Figures after that date are therefore not directly comparable with those for earlier years.