I have been asked to reply.
For each of the years 2002 to 2006 HSE has received the following number of RIDDOR reports of accidents to persons aged 1-15 years, described as being an employee or trainee.
Number 2002/03 17 2003/04 29 2004/05 23 2005/06 34 Total 103
For each of the years 2002 to 2006 HSE has received the following number of RIDDOR reports of accidents to persons aged 1-17 years, described as being on work experience.
Number 2002/03 11 2003/04 33 2004/05 36 2005/06 42 Total 122
HSE is aware of the rising number of reportable incidents and is undertaking work to establish the possible causes for the increase before deciding on the appropriate action to take.